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Mongolia's Natural Resources  

Many investors wonder why these resources were untapped till today ?

Mongolia's history explains why it was untapped. There are certain angles in my mind such as:

1. Mongolians way of living and their respect to the nature. As you may know, mongolians nomadic civilization rely on their livestock. Living a nomadic life requires a lot of endurance, adaptability and coexisting skill with it's surrounding nature without destroying or changing it. Every child growing up at the Mongolian steppe knows each mountain's name, every river's name and can distinguish various plants and animals. it is very well set in Mongolians mind, the fundamentals of it's existence is land and untapped landscape. Therefore first reason is people's attitude to nature.

2. Metallurgy and mining is traditionally not developed

3. It's landlocked position between Russia and China.

4. Russia's supply backup

5. Newly developing democracy

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